
Microsoft word certification 2013
Microsoft word certification 2013

microsoft word certification 2013

Passing this Certification Exam from StudySection will make you eligible to get an e-Certificate and a certification badge to reflect your skills in this program. There might be some questions that have more than one correct option and to make your answer right, you must select all the right options.


Microsoft Word 2013 Free Online Certification Exam(Foundation) from StudySection consists of multiple-choice type questions based on the basics and fundamentals of this program. There’s also a new tab on the Ribbon, the Design tab, which integrates formatting and page background tools, as well as new themes and templates. Microsoft’s Ribbon Interface, introduced earlier in its predecessor, organizes tasks and tools by activity type. MS Word 2013 has cleaned its menus and options, giving more space to your documents. The revamped Microsoft Word 2013 has a new interface and several used updations that will help to create professional-looking documents, share and collaborate more easily, and do work more efficiently.

microsoft word certification 2013

Microsoft Word is one of the most used applications for word processing all over the world. This online certification is recognized worldwide and is one of the best options available for online certification in the industry. Microsoft Word 2013 Free online certification exam from StudySection is best suitable for the beginners who have some basic knowledge of this program and want to get certified with the comfort of their home or workplace without disturbing their daily routine. StudySection launches Microsoft Word 2013 Free Online Certification Exam for aspirants who want to judge their expertise and skills of this element of Microsoft Office 2013 suite. Study Material Start Test Share this page on social media Share this page on social media

Microsoft word certification 2013