The only bad thing is that the final product will be less moist because sugar is not in liquid form. It contains 3-10% molasses and has a similar flavor and color to molasses especially dark brown sugar. Brown sugarīrown sugar is a good molasses substitute because it is made from a mixture of refined sugar and sugarcane molasses. Use it in cookies, breakfast dishes, desserts, and other recipes. Use maple syrup in a 1:1 ratio as a replacement for molasses. However, the flavor can vary depending on the region, tree, and the period when the syrup is collected. Maple syrup is sweeter than sugar and has a caramel flavor with a hint of vanilla. There are few types of maple syrup with different flavors and colors. The sap is cooked into a syrup which is used in sauces, pancakes, waffles, barbecue sauce, salad dressings, desserts, and beverages. Maple syrup is a sweetener made from the sap of the maple tree. Therefore, you have to use the right substitute in your recipe that will give a final product similar to the one made with molasses. Molasses has distinctive flavor and color. Keep reading to learn more about each substitute. The best substitutes for Molasses are maple syrup, brown sugar, honey, dark corn syrup, golden syrup, barley malt syrup, sorghum syrup, or some of the next substitutes. However, if you are making a dish that calls for molasses, but you don’t have it at home you can use some other sweetener as its substitute. It is used as a sweetener in different baked goods, sauces, desserts, drinks, brown sugar production, and in many other products. Molasses can be also made from dates, sorghum, carob, and pomegranates. However, it also makes the molasses less sweet and with chemical flavor. Sulfur dioxide is used as a preservative to protect the molasses from spoiling. You can find sulfured and un-sulfured molasses. The black syrup has more vitamins and minerals than the other two types of molasses. The syrup produced after the third boiling, blackstrap molasses, has lower sugar content, a very thick texture, and a bitter flavor. The syrup produced after the second boiling is dark molasses, it is thicker and contains less sugar. After the first boiling, is produced the first syrup with the highest content of sugar and light color. The juice extracted from them is boiled until the sugars crystalize. It is made during the production process of sugar from sugar beets and sugarcane. Molasses is a sweet syrup with dark color used as a sweetener in cooking and baking.